Odfjell Terminals TX, US
When it comes to solar railroad crossing products; you want to make a decision based on a clear understanding of the facts and the knowledge that the products you select are well designed, well-engineered, and properly configured to meet all of the demands that will be placed on them. Simply put, you want to know that your system will work in your application and environment the way it was designed – for the long term.
Our solar railroad traffic signal lights are designed to stand the test of time and provide quality railway signaling without the hassle of running cables or getting power from the grid, an option that is not always realistic.
Traffic accidents are a prevalent and potentially costly occurrence on industrial sites. Managing truck and train flow is required for smooth and safe operation. Solar Lighting International, Inc. designs solar railroad traffic crossing signal light systems that control and manage traffic entering restricted areas. Every industrial site has its own hazardous complexities, so the methods of solving the safety issues are individually designed, providing you with a custom solar traffic signal light solution for your site.
Providing railroad crossing awareness with solar signal lighting allows vehicles to have a flashing reminder to slow down and use caution. Solar railroad crossing systems have proven to help reduce railroad-related accidents. For remote areas and areas that are inaccessible to grid power, our solar railroad crossings systems are the perfect solution.
If you’re ready to learn more about a solar railroad crossing system for your site then please contact us or fill out the web form on our contact page , and one of our representatives will help you to find out more about the ways that solar railroad crossing solutions can help to make your rail systems run smoothly.
Vale Global Mining – Thompson, Manitoba, Canada
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